Open Call for Romanian Jewelry Week 1.0 || Klimt02
“Between the 22-27th of September, Assamblage launches the first edition of ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary. The event was initially set for March 2020, but it was rescheduled due to COVID-19 outbreak. ROJW is an annual walktrough of both Romanian and international jewelry designers, with a record number of 150 exhibitors from all over the world. Contemporary jewelry, as an artistic and creative expression, is celebrated along a 6 days event filled with exhibitions, conferences, book launches, premiere showcasings and guided tours.”
Over 8 museums, galleries and cultural spaces in Bucharest will be part of the ROJW map and will host the creations of Romanian and international artists and designers throughout the entire period. The event will present the collections of over 70 Romanian designers and has as guests over 80 designers, collectives and associations of designers from Portugal, Italy, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland, Canada, Israel, China and Norway.
>>A new call for applications for the exhibition area, as well as capsule and connected events is now opened from the 15th of July to the 10th of August 2020. The call is available for individual designers as well as collectives and institutions from all over the world.
The Application is opened to:
1. Jewelry designers - Emerging and established designers alike, from Romania and worldwide, that activate in the field of contemporary jewelry. Terms and conditions here -
2. Institutions and collectives - Schools, galleries, museums, jewelry weeks, event organizers and other related institutions worldwide. Terms and conditions here -
The event is organized by Assamblage – National Contemporary Jewelry Association and is co-financed by AFCN – The National Cultural Administration Fund and supported by Electrica Furnizare and Montblanc Romania. Assamblage is the most active platform in Romania dedicated to the craft and design of contemporary jewelry, developing between 2015 and 2019 over 25 national and international projects and exhibitions worldwide, including over 50 Romanian and international artists.
ROMANANIAN JEWELRY WEEK aims to be the largest event in Romania dedicated to contemporary jewelry and a landmark on the map of international profile events. "The jeweller's guild tradition, centuries old, but forgotten in Romania for a long period of time is now reinvented by designers and artists, which unveil it to the public in the form of contemporary art. We've selected the designers with the most spectacular ideas, concepts, forms, colors, techniques and means of expression, in order to disclose them to an international audience." David Sandu – curator and founder of Romanian Jewelry Week.
About Assamblage:
Assamblage Contemporary Jewelry School was founded in October 2010 at the initiative of designer David Sandu as the first educational platform in Romania dedicated to jewelry design and a foundation for a new generation of contemporary jewelry designers and artists rising to international standards. Today, together with a dedicated national association, Assamblage is the most active platform in Romania dedicated to the craft and design of contemporary jewelry, developing between 2015 and 2019 over 25 national and international projects and exhibitions worldwide, including over 50 Romanian and international artists.
Alis Lalu
Ring: Untitled, 2020
Silver, pigment.
3 x 7 cm
Stefania Sioufa
Brooch: Prosopa (Faces), 2019
Remaining pieces of a shipwreck, silver, altered colors, sea glass, synthetic stone.
6.5 x 10 x 2.5 cm
Gena Tudor
Ring: Unbreakable Bonds, 2020
Eggshell and paint, silver, copper and gold, natural patina.
5 x 7 cm
Monica Wickström
Ring: In Good Health, 2004
Silver 925, plastic, pearls, founded objects.